Sorry this is coming a bit late, I’m currently in the air trying to push this live using American Airlines in flight WiFi. One day it will be fast, but today it is not. I blew through my camera roll and populated one image from every month in 2022, so here’s a little time capsule of my year. I’m drafting one last Common Discourse for this year then we’re out. ✌🏼
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Sights & Sounds: Alex Tan
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Sorry this is coming a bit late, I’m currently in the air trying to push this live using American Airlines in flight WiFi. One day it will be fast, but today it is not. I blew through my camera roll and populated one image from every month in 2022, so here’s a little time capsule of my year. I’m drafting one last Common Discourse for this year then we’re out. ✌🏼