Common Discourse is a project designed to help others (and ourselves) think through creativity, focus, and intentional work—from Alex Tan & Alice Otieno.
Every Tuesday we share words from a journal, a few ideas, a quote from somebody else, and links worth sharing. On Fridays we invite a guest to share images from their camera roll and a sound that resonates with them. Words from the Journal come once a month.
I grew up diving head first into the Atlantic Ocean on family vacations along the east coast—the only thing that could ease of the sweltering humidity in July. I live in California now, and despite the persistent sunshine and palm trees, you might have to check in somebody if they were to do the same.
With the Pacific Ocean being 16° colder on average than the Atlantic, somebody like me could dramatically compare the feeling of jumping into an ice bath. The first few moments are painful, but things end up being just fine. And most of the time, I’m glad I jumped in.
The same thinking applies to most things in life: Sitting down to work, having a difficult conversation, and showing up to the gym.
It’s hard to be afraid when you’re distracted by progress. The next time you’re faced with a big problem, it helps to remember that it all gets easier after you take the first jump.
— Alex
A few ideas
Tomorrow your job might be terminated, your car may break down when you need it most, and somebody you trust might do you wrong.
Many of life’s setbacks are not up to you, but the way you respond always is.
Energy is best spent focusing on what you can control.
The best time for new beginnings is now. Whether it’s a new habit, hobby, or lifestyle, one thing is almost always true:
Nobody wishes they started later.
It’s okay for people to not understand the choices you make or the work you do. The more difficult it is to explain, the more likely it is that you’re doing something important and innovative.
Easy to define can be synonymous with safe.
A quote from somebody else
“But in the end, stories are about one person saying to another: This is the way it feels to me. Can you understand what I’m saying? Does it feel this way to you?”
— Kazuo Ishiguro (2017)
Links worth sharing
🎧 I’ve been trying to consciously listen to songs that resonate with me deeply on repeat recently. I came across Blood is on d flo by Boweya the other day and has been one of those songs.
🤝 Questions for meaningful introductions
🌐 Fuse is a growing collection of referential and digital entertainment, where new links are posted weekly. The platform encourages users to discover content beyond social media and from its original source instead.
3️⃣ What’s special about this number?
🍀 Soft Space is a project by Paulina Esguerra that aims to create a slow and meditative digital experience.
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