#075 Open the Box
Common Discourse is a project designed to help others (and ourselves) think through creativity, focus, and intentional work—from Alex Tan & Alice Otieno.
Every Tuesday we share words from a journal, a few ideas, a quote from somebody else, and links worth sharing. On Fridays we invite a guest to share images from their camera roll and a sound that resonates with them.
When I don’t know what to write about I just start typing, and soon enough, I start to see what it could be. Words are puzzle pieces. In fact, many things are. Most of us are still figuring out how to open the box.
— Alex
A few ideas
Not so long ago, a recommendation would come our way, then we had to ask ourselves a series of questions. Is this good? Is it bad? Why do I like this?
Today, an algorithm will tell you what to like, who to follow, and what is considered good. Technology has removed the need to ask ourselves much of anything, and as a result, we are barreling full steam ahead toward a future where everything looks, sounds, and feels the same.
While we’ve figured out how to get answers faster, they may not always be better.
Question everything, even when it’s not a requirement. In a world of averages, outliers will shine.
Perfection doesn’t exist but attention to detail is the next best thing.
No matter how fast, intelligent, or prodigious, the most naturally gifted are still not able to shortcut transformation.
Time is the common denominator for all of us.
A quote from somebody else
“Adopting a longterm mindset completely changes your priorities. It encourages delayed gratification, which pushes you to only care about the very best of things. You are driven towards the highest quality, the finest minds, the greatest beauty. Longevity requires a kind of patience, and the sustained will to invest in attaining perfection.”
— Alyx Studio, Attitude As Form
Links worth sharing
⏱ Alternative Measurements For Time
🌳 Broken Spectre is a series of still and moving image pieces by Richard Mosse that document the on-going impacts of deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest. I went to watch the film at the 180 Strand exhbition last week and it was incredibly moving, would recommend seeing it if you’re in London!
🗺 Atlas of Landscapes in A Room
🧠 We Transfer Ideas Report for 2022 is a survey highlighting what really matters to creatives when it comes to the sacrifices they’re willing to make for their careers.
🌅 Daylight.today is an app made by Bakken & Bæck that tells you about daylight changes and notifies you when the days are getting longer.
Thanks for consuming!
ℹ️ Read more about Common Discourse here.
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🗂 Here is every Common Discourse weekly briefing to date.
🐤 We have a Twitter feed where we populate things that resonate.
⭐ We use Are.na as a tool to archive specific aspects of this project.
🗣️ This project is more fun when there is dialogue amongst those who are reading. Use the comment feature at the bottom of this article to start a conversation, we’ll use your ideas for future briefings and food for thought.