#026 Thank You
Good morning and happy Tuesday!
At the beginning of the year I wrote a newsletter expressing my struggle with writing over the last several years, and that this would be the year that I’d write 52 newsletters. I haven’t been perfect (I’ll make up for the two weeks I missed), but I’ve felt so encouraged and surprised by the response to this little project.
I’ve realized that there are some weeks where this project will be more intensive, and other weeks where I can only give a fraction of that. But that’s okay. I’ve had people send me nice messages, tag me on Twitter when I try to fly by the radar, and support from my team at MW all along the way. Your responses via email have been so thoughtful and have challenged my methods of thinking in very healthy and enlightening ways.
There are probably 15x more of you reading this than I ever expected there to be. So this is a quick thank you.
I hope this newsletter has done as much for you as it has for me. If you look forward to receiving it each week, encourage a friend to subscribe today and I’ll see you again next Tuesday. 💙
— Alex
Ideas from me
A more consequential and critical method of making choices is not by thinking about the positive outcomes of saying “yes” to something, but rather the implications that occur by understanding that our “yes” to one thing is a “no” to most everything else.
Glimpses of your future are hidden inside your daily routine. Is the person you are today a smaller version of the person you wish to become?
With attention being a finite resource and the Internet being a place with unlimited information, how we choose to spend our time online is a direct reflection of what matters to us.
It's tough to argue that social media has any upside since it is designed to distract. TikToks, Instagram Ads, and viral tweets leave us with little to walk away with.
Use the Internet for research, collecting ideas, and developing new methods of thinking. The long term outcome of saving links, images, and text results in some form of self discovery.
And more importantly, we can begin to recognize patterns in our own thinking.
Quote from somebody else
“Remember that in order to recover as an artist, you must be willing to be a bad artist. Give yourself permission to be a beginner. By being willing to be a bad artist, you have a chance to be an artist, and perhaps, over time, a very good one.”
— The Artists Way: Protecting the Child Artist Within
Links worth sharing
🤔 Advice
📰 LA Times Ad announcing the Hollywood Cinerama Dome Theatre in 1963. Yesterday it was announced that the historic landmark would be closing permanently.
🎸 Many of you probably have seen this already, but I finally got around to Sound of Metal. I forgot what watching a good movie felt like.
👨💻 There is only (1x) XXL shirt left on the MW shop, thanks for purchasing and supporting last week!
🎧 Navy Blue (Sage Elsessar) made one of my favorite albums last year. Read this interview with him via Pitchfork.
Thanks for another week!
Common Discourse is a weekly briefing designed to help others (and myself) think through creativity, focus, and intentional work. It hits your inbox every Tuesday at 9:17am.
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